Saturday, July 17, 2010

The sun will come out tomorrow, You can bet your bottom dollar....

It was good to see Pete, Ruby and Celia in "Annie" last night. It is such an upbeat show with good singable music, and profound optimism in the face of adversity. All three of them did well. Ruby is now a seasoned trooper, and has the theater in her blood. Pete finds a new character in each show, and is never just Pete acting the same way. Now Celia has got the bug also. She was tired and subdued at the end of the show when we visited. But a three hour show makes for a long night for a four year old.

I believe there is incremental improvement for me. Anti depressants do not appeal, and I am trying to avoid taking them, if possible. Over the last week I have talked with a good friend from the Cathedral, a former EFM colleague. On Saturday next I will visit with another EFM colleague who had a difficult time with grief, when her husband died a few years ago. She is a nice person, and very spiritually generous. We will meet over lunch next Saturday. She described herself as being on a nicer path now, but still encountering "land mines".

A few days ago I received a nice note from Di's Hematologist at Mayo's, commenting on her dignity in the face of such a devastating disease, and her courage in refusing active treatment at the last. It was kind of him to write. Of the treatment she was receiving towards the end, he said, "There are no guarantees. Transfusions and Neulasta are simply all we have available." He was right.

Talking with the clinical psychologist last week I realized that I have never lived truly alone before. During Internship and Residency there were always other people about. Even during that first summer in Law School, when I lived singly in an apartment, there were always other students around, and multiple classes each day, where we would meet and talk together. In this aged area, there is very little contact between neighbors. I suppose I could call one or two, and get together over coffee.

Tomorrow night, Mark will come for dinner. and on Monday night, a former choir member will come for dinner. We will grill something. Thank God that our kids are so generous with their time. They must be hurting also.

It has been a hot day, 96 F. Am waiting for dusk, and, hopefully, a little cooling before I take Ella for her walk.  It is still 90 F. at 7:45 pm. No storms expected soon.

Peace and love to you all, Geoff

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dad. Great to get your insight. Can't wait for you to get here so I can be generous with my time, too! Can't guarantee it will be quiet and peaceful but you never know.
    Love you,
