Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Today I decided that I must be showing some improvement. At first, soon after Dianne died, with my home being both my refuge and my prison, I would run out and buy one thing, and then run home again and hide out.. Today I managed a whole circuit of co-ordinated shopping for necessary items; St. Luke's for a blood test, Costco, Petco, Starbucks, (well, OK, that, strictly speaking wasn't necessary), dry cleaners, then home and walk Ella - just like we used to do when Di was alive. It is good to feel that I am getting some control and direction back in my life. Now the taxes are done I can spend some time organizing the study, getting rid of a lot of paper! Have five boxes of old paper in the garage, waiting to go to the shredder.  There is a lot of unnecessary junk in the house that needs to be cleared out. As time permits I will continue the task that Di started, sorting out all the family photos into individual boxes, to give to the children and grandchildren.

At Mayo's, in two weeks' time, I will find out whether there is any urgency about needing to make some permanent arrangements, or whether I can stay here for as long as I feel like doing so.

Had dinner with Mark tonight - always a great pleasure. Spike is home on Spring Break, and not sure where he fits.  Just wanted to give him a big reassuring hug, and tell him that everything would work out. Maybe I will ask him to go for a walk with me during the week, and see if he wants to talk. It is a difficult time, that first year away at college, and the transition from a loving home. Love to all Geoff/Dad

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