Sunday, March 27, 2011


Last week was very busy - good in a way. It keeps me from ruminating. With all my activities at the Cathedral, I was down there almost every day, (or night) this week. Used up a lot of gasoline, and probably left a large carbon footprint. But for the first time in a few years, on Thursday night, I felt useful, and almost happy. Could it be that the heavy burden of grief is beginning to lift at last - at least for short periods? That would be nice.

Still working on my talk on Diabetes, trying to get that finished and refined. I really want people to learn something about this fascinating disease, and their part in handling the treatment of it. I badly want this to be a talk that makes people think, and not just a rote listing of details of treatment.

Tomorrow I need to set up a time for a college aged grandson to interview me, by phone, as a person who lived through World War II. Hope that will be interesting for both of us! Love and peace to all. Geoff/Dad

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